xWhen you renovate your home, you’re boosting your home value. Whether it’s replacing fixtures, finishing the attic, or tacking on a third bay in the garage, home improvement is an investment in your home. And home improvement, done right, will send the value of your home soaring. That’s the value of a home renovation project, and that’s a value we can stand behind here at Dave’s Railings. See, we’re all about value. That’s why we offer premium-level craft at competitive prices in all of our railing installations. And it’s why we’re proud to provide the best railing building services for folks throughout Edmonton, Stony Plain, Spruce Grove, and Athabasca. That’s also why we continually post information about value, home improvement, and craft. Today, and in our upcoming blogs, we’ll be continuing those motifs with home improvement tips that can further boost the value of your home. Let’s look at some of the best home improvements you can make to boost the value of your home, starting with…
Exceptional quality railings for the most affordable prices.
Boosting Your Home Value

Adding a Bathroom
When you tack a bathroom onto your home (or move around some square footage to accommodate a bathroom within the original floorplan) you’re providing your guests with comfort, and you’re providing residents of the home with convenience. That’s a major bonus while you reside within the home, and you’ll likely recoup nearly all of the expenses associated with a bathroom renovation should you decide to sell your home. Now, that said, you’ll want to install the right kind of bathroom to get the best return on your investment. You’ll want a bathroom that’s the right size, with the right amenities, and the right look.
The Right Size Bathroom
Before you start knocking down walls, it’s time to take a moment to think about how much space you’ll need for your bathroom. If you’re building within your current home’s square footage, you’ll likely need to keep the bathroom small. If you’re extending your home, you can consider a bit bigger bathroom, but you should stick with a size that still makes sense in your home. Your best bet: Build a bathroom that’s smaller than the master bathroom, it might feel off-balance in your home if you add a new bathroom that’s too unexpectedly large.
The Right Amenities
Next, shift your focus to the amenities and fixtures that you’d like in your new bathroom. Does your bathroom need one sink or two? Are you thinking a stand-up shower or a tub? Or shower-tub combo? And of course, you’ll need to leave room for a toilet. Hone in on your home’s upcoming bathroom amenities, and you’ll be one step closer to the right design.

The Right Look
Finally, as you hit the drafting table it’s time to consider design. Consider the character of your home. If you’re living in a log cabin, for instance, you wouldn’t build the same bathroom as if you were living in a sleek, modern home. Try to match the style of your house with the right fixtures, the right styles, and the right color scheme. If all the other bathrooms in your home feature golden fixtures, porcelain, tiling, and marble countertops, sticking to that theme would be a safe bet.
Once you’ve zeroed in on the right bathroom size, the right bathroom amenities, and the right look for your new bathroom, you’re ready to improve your home. Best of luck on your renovations, and as always, you can count on Dave’s Railings if you need railing renovations or installations here in Edmonton, Stony Plain, Spruce Grove, and Athabasca. Get in touch with us today!