Here at Dave’s Railings, we believe in the beauty of a home. It’s our goal, as your railing builders and installers, to boost your home’s value with an installation or renovation of your existing rails. After all, your home is likely one of your greatest investments. That’s why we’ve been talking about home improvement recently, and that’s why we’re continuing that theme today. Let’s talk about more home improvement and renovation tips. In our last blog, we took a look at what renovating your bathroom can do for your home. Today, let’s talk about finishing the basement.
Exceptional quality railings for the most affordable prices.
Railings in Edmonton: Our Renovation Tips Part II
The Value of Finishing Your Basement
Finishing the basement of your home is one of the easiest ways to boost your home value. Plus, when you’re finishing your basement, you’re likely to get nearly the entire value that you’ve invested in material and building costs, should you opt to sell your home in the future.
How to Program Your Basement
If you’re deciding on the “program,” or spacial usage of your basement, you should consider what you currently have in your home, what you’d like to have in your home, and whether or not you’re selling your home anytime soon.

What Do You Have in Your Home?
How many bedrooms do you have in your home? How many baths? Are you satisfied with the living space that you have, or do you need more space for you and yours? Consider what your home already has, and analyze what you need to put in your basement. If, for instance, you have kids and another little one on the way, it may crucial that you build an extra room for your children. Or, perhaps, the whole four person family is currently stuck sharing one bathroom. It’s time to build a second and the basement provides that opportunity.
What Do You Want in Your Home?
Now that you’ve determined what you need to build in your home, you can consider what you’d like. Basements are a popular location for an entertainment room, a man cave, a bar, a living room, a pool room, a workout room, an office, or whatever you’d like. I’ve even seen a basement that was transformed into a putting green. Work with whatever space you have left, and dream the best basement you can.
Are You Selling Soon?
Now, if you’re considering selling your home in the near future, you may need to be more conscious of your choices. It may not be as profitable in the long run to build that aforementioned putting green if you’re about to put your home on the market. Instead, be reasonable with your basement space. You can finish your basement and leave the design a bit more open so that the next owners have options when it comes to choosing how to utilize the space. Also, consider what other homes in your neighborhood have in their basements. If you live in a neighborhood where four-bedroom, three-bathroom homes are popular, adding a bedroom and bathroom to your three-bedroom, two-bathroom house may make sense, and it may be more attractive to buyers that are looking for homes similar to the average home in your neighborhood.
When it comes to finishing your basement, we hope that these tips help. When it comes to installing or renovating your home’s railings, we know that we can help. If you’re ready to get a new railing system built in your home and you live in Edmonton, Stony Plain, Spruce Grove, or Athabasca, count on Dave’s Railings. You can get in touch with a Dave’s Railings representative right here to get started!